Friday, May 20, 2016

top 10 most educated countries

The Structure of a Formal Best Education System in the world

  • Early years
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Higher
  • Professional Practical Work
  • Special Needs Education
Early childhood education is originally based on literacy. Later it become professional skill for development. Best education system in the world make strong base of childhood students which later show high abilities in the higher works. Men and women have equal right to get education in every society. Economic growth has a big impact from educational level of the nation.

Top 10 Countries with best Education System in the World

RankCountry NameSystem Index
1 Japan 90.72
2 South Korea 89.76
3 United Kingdom 88.93
4 Singapore 88.67
5 Russia 88.31
6 Finland 87.96
7 Canada 87.64
8 Netherlands 86.47
9 Ireland 85.58
10 Israel 84.80

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